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Mini-Workshop | Seeing The Light: In the Digital Age (Basic Lighting Part Two) with Curley Marshall, CPP., PPGH Past President

  • 23 Jun 2013
  • 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
  • 801 Williams Street, Houston, Tx 77002
  • 4


  • This event is for PPGH members only.

Registration is closed

Seeing The Light: In the Digital Age (Basic Lighting Part Two) 
Curley Marshall, CPP., PPGH Past President
Marshall’s passion is lighting. He emphasizes that lighting, mixed with shadows and highlights will accentuate the face by using lighting applications that include additive, subtractive and reflective lighting techniques. Metering the lights using the additive method will give you the best lighting ratio combination.  He also demonstrates High and Low Key lighting. 3:1 ratio, 4:1 ratio, and 8:1 lighting ratio are all factors in creating dramatic lighting. In addition, utilizing loop lighting, narrow/short and broad lighting to shape the subject’s face.  These types of lighting techniques add an element of dimension to your portrait.  You can master the light, but first you must learn to see the light. There are three main keys to understanding lighting. They are light placement, the direction of light, and the quality of that light. When you understand how to control your lights, you will get the desired effect. Learning to see the light will take your photography to the next level. 

  • Marshall is a premier photographer in the Houston area specializing in weddings, seniors, executive, and fashion photography
  • An award-winning photographer with 23 years of photographic experience
  • Former President of the 2012 fiscal year for the Professional Photographer’s Guild of Houston
  • Photographic (CPP) Certified Professional Photographer from (PPA) Professional Photographers of America
  • Awarded “Best Portrait of a Bride” 2011-2012 by PPGH
  • Photography/Photoshop Instructor at San Jacinto College located in Houston, TX.
  • Member of Professional Photographers of America, Professional Photographers of Texas and Professional Photographer’s Guild of Houston 

His Motto “We Have Your Image In Mind”

“When you learn to see the light, you can master it.”

Payment must be made at the time you register to save your seat. This is a great opportunity to practice some of those basic lighting skills required for the CPP portfolio review.
Join us on June 23rd from 1:00 to 5:00

Seating is LIMITED.. Register NOW !!!

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