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Dave Cross | All Day PPA Education Merit Program
19 Aug 2014
1:00 PM - 9:30 PM
TexCam, 1323 N. 1st St. Bellaire, Tx 77401
(depends on selected options)
Base fee:
Full Day & Evening Meeting-Active, Associate & Aspiring | Member – $75.00
Registration type for Active, Associate & Aspiring members.
Refer to the registration form to choose a dinner and other options. Look all the way down at the bottom of the screen.
Guest (Returning), Non-Member & Lapsed Members – $95.00
Registration type for Non-Member & Lapsed members.
Refer to the registration form to choose a dinner and other options. Look all the way down at the bottom of the screen.
Guest | First Time – $75.00
We always welcome guests to the guild. Come to your first meeting FREE!
Refer to the registration form to choose a dinner and other options. Look all the way down at the bottom of the screen.
Lifetime | Member – $75.00
Registration type for Lifetime members.
Refer to the registration form to choose a dinner and other options. Look all the way down at the bottom of the screen.
Other Guild Affiliate Registration – $75.00
Registration type for affiliate photography guild members.
Refer to the registration form to choose a dinner and other options. Look all the way down at the bottom of the screen.
Student | Member – $75.00
Registration type for Student members.
Refer to the registration form to choose a dinner and other options. Look all the way down at the bottom of the screen.
Dave Cross | All Day PPA Education Merit Program
Also includes PPGH
General Monthly Meeting
Photoshop Productivity and Creativity
In this full-day seminar Dave Cross will show practical Photoshop techniques that can be used every day to be more efficient, more accurate, and to give your creativity a boost. Most of all you’ll see how to spend less time in Photoshop and more time shooting! We’ll also talk about how to use Photoshop to differentiate you from other photographers. Dave will lead students through several real-world examples and students will have plenty of time for discussion and questions.
Target Audience: Photographers with experience using Photoshop. Students should have basic knowledge of key functions such as layers, masks and adjusting images.
Topics will include
• Photoshop “best practices”
• Customizing Photoshop to look and operate the way you want
• Creating and using Workspaces
• Layer Comps, Adjustment Layer Presets, and Tool Presets
• Using the built-in automated features in Bridge and Photoshop
• Speeding up your work with Actions
• Taking advantage of the not-so-obvious speed enhancers
• Using non-destructive methods to create reuseable effects
• How to use Smart Objects and Smart Filters to save you time
• Using Camera Raw and Lightroom Smart Objects in Photoshop
• Creating reusable templates
• Adding Finishing Touches to your photos – quickly and easily
• Creative compositing to add to your sales
…and more
A short Bio on Dave:
For 25 years Dave Cross has been helping photographers and creative professionals get the most out of their Adobe software. Dave has a Bachelor of Education, is an Adobe Certified Instructor and is a Certified Technical Trainer. Dave has taught for Adobe, at Photoshop World, the Texas School of Photography, the Santa Fe Workshops and Imaging USA. He runs the Dave Cross Workshops in his own studio/workshop space in Tampa, FL. Dave is well-known for his engaging style, his humor and his ability to make complex topics easy to understand. In 2009 Dave was inducted into the Photoshop Hall of Fame.
Meeting Agenda
1:00 - 5:00 pm
Program Begins
5:00 - 5:30 pm
Meeting Registration and Social Time.
Meet & Greet for anyone interested in serving on the board or guild committees & sign in for image competition.
5:30 - 6:30 pm
Image Competition
Shhhh... Please remain quiet so all makers may hear image scores and critiques.
6:30 - 7:00 pm
Dinner (delivered at 6:15pm)
7:00 - 9:00 pm
Speaker Program
9:00 - 9:30 pm
Clean-up and out of building by 9:30
Meeting Location:
TexCam 1323 N. 1st. St. Bellaire, Tx 77401
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